Pours a brownish amber clour, beautifully clear, a delicate smell of sweet grass hops.
Gentle sweet malt, slightly bitter, the middle leaves almost a nutty tangy. The finish is smooth, delicate bittering with a fresh taste.
7/10 A very drinkable, and very modern session bitter. Lovely Cascade hops.You can by there ales at most good Sainsburys or Tescos or via
Ocado here
Why's it called Ubu?
ReplyDelete"Pronounced OO-BOO its named after our faithful canine friend UBU"
ReplyDeleteSo the brewery dog. They also do one called Mad Goose after a goose which frequents the beer garden at one of their establishments....well so i understand from a mate who claims to have been attacked by said "mad" goose.
Hows that for a claim to fame!?
terpalcuspe Stuart Coo https://wakelet.com/wake/1bacTi4g-uPHoOVqLESO5
Mcongves0sumpde Jessica Ellis https://colab.research.google.com/drive/142u-YwiGI9ST8HHZJgyBxoDUyOyBbyhf
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YutedFgeobo Victoria Fernandez Site
VMware Workstation
Wbrachebtio-ro Barbara Jones program