Friday 8 October 2010

Lucky Beer (Lucky Drink Co.)

I've not reviewed a lager on here yet, but this one looked so unusual I thought I'd have a crack at it.

Lucky Beer is available in Tesco, and brewed in China under license from an Australian company (I think).

The bottle is striking, a jade curved affair, blown to represent a cackling Bhudda holding what looks like half a revel above his head, although it could equally be a sombrero or a portion of a Cadbury's creme egg.

The beer is fizzy and it pours pale. Their website says it's a fusion of "rice, malted barley and Qingdao hops", so a Tsingtao-mastered rice taste was expected, all cleanliness and refreshment.

On the nose, it's a snatch of metallic lemon. On the tongue it's watery with a twist of citrus zest, framed against the half-noticed backdrop of some other vegetable I don't know. It's quenching, and not unpleasant, although it's ideal environment would be beside a lazy-susan stacked with take away.

Clocking in at 4.8% ABV, it's the definition of a Bunker Grade 5 for me - one to hand out at parties and not grieve too much about the stocks being depleted. The flavours skate about a bit, none of them enduring enough to give this beer any lasting character.

5/10 Interesting, but the other assembled ales in the Broadside Armoury need have no fear of being replaced.

- The Broadside


  1. My local B&M Bargains has had 6-packs of this cheap for a while and they don't seem to be shifting.

    Glad you tried it, means I can safely give it a miss ;)

  2. I think the bottle is so over designed that it's in danger of looking like a novelty drink to the new drinker.

    It's decent enough but for me other beers do the fresh rice job much better, namely Tsingtao, Orion and Asahi Dry.

  3. Sounds a bit like foreign Carling in a fancy bottle with a happy fat lad on it....

    Any idea if Buddah approves of beer? Or even if this is his favorite tipple?


  4. "The Buddha encouraged his followers to refrain from consuming any kind of intoxicant. This included alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. These substances are said to be inconsistent with Buddhist beliefs as they distort the mind. Buddhists regard the mind as precious; they work diligently, through meditation, to master it."

    So there we go.

  5. Not even at Christmas?

    Surely everyone should be able to enjoy a nice ESB at christmas.
