Saturday, 25 September 2010

Thanks! Harviestoun

A Big thanks goes out to these beers from Harviestoun for me to review.

I've had their Bitter and Twisted once before and loved that, so looking forward to trying these!

Buy their beers here


  1. You will love them (although I've not rated the Ola Dubh - I'm not into whisky/rum cask beers so fear it would get a low score).

    Both are [baron rating 5/5] - check out the audio reviews here:

  2. I had the Schiehallion the other night, fantastic! i thought it was just like Sam Adams Boston Lager.

    I fear the Old Engine oil a bit as really dark beers aren't normally my thing, but the prospect of it being whiskey matured sounds much nicer!

    Will approach them both on their merits! Can't be bad if you have given them 5*!
